Prof. Dr. Panagiotis Agapitos

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Curriculum Vitae






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Panagiotis Agapitos pursued a course in Byzantine Studies, Byzantine Art History and Musicology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich (Mag. Art. 1982), and continued his graduate studies with Classical and Byzantine Philology at Harvard University (MA 1986, PhD 1990). Between 1992 and 2021 he was Professor of Byzantine Philology at the University of Cyprus. As a visiting professor, he has taught in Berlin, Paris, Rome, Ghent and Stanford. he has received fellowships from the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation, the Gerda-Henkel Foundation und the A. G. Leventis Foundation. Between 2016 and 2020, he was a visiting researcher at the Max-Planck Institute for European Legal History in Frankfurt. Since October 2021, he is a Gutenberg Fellow at the Section of Byzantine Studies at JGU and the Leibniz Science Campus “Byzantium between Orient and Occident” with a five-year project funded by the Gutenberg Research Center.

His research interests focus on textual and literary criticism, with an emphasis on Byzantine rhetoric, poetics, erotic fiction, and the representation of death in Byzantine literature. He has published some eighty scholarly works, three monographs, and several edited volumes. In addition, he presented the first critical edition of the 13th–century verse novel “Livistros and Rodamni” (Athens 2006) and its English translation with introduction (Liverpool 2021). For several years he has been working on the methodological problems involved in writing a history of Byzantine literature. He published three historical mystery novels set in 9th-century Byzantium. For a detailed curriculum vitae and complete list of publications, see here.