Dr. Max Ritter

Email: ritterm@uni-mainz.de
Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung









Curriculum vitae

I am a historian focusing on the political and economic history of Late Antiquity and the Middle Byzantine period.
Understanding Byzantium in its cultural complexity is my aspiration, which encompasses its economy, society, and material aspects. Hence, I strive to contribute to various domains within the cultural history of Byzantium.
My recent research has revolved around Constantinople’s building culture and Procopius’ writings in the sixth century. As my interest lies also in practical and collaborative dissemination work, I am engaged as an archaeologist in Türkiye and involved in the curation of a museum exhibition in Cyprus.


  • Wirtschaftsgeschichte von Byzanz
  • Baukultur in Konstantinopel
  • Pilgerwesen
  • Spätantike und byzantinische Historiographie, speziell Prokop
  • Spätantikes und byzantinisches Paphlagonien und Pontos
  • Venezianisches Zypern

Laufende Projekte:

  • Ausgrabung Komana Pontike (Nordtürkei), speziell Fundbestimmung
  • Konzeption und Einrichtung des Museums im Kloster Ayia Napa (Zypern)